Lead: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Description and Objectives
While TA1 to TA5 develop the necessary community services of NFDI4Energy, the main objective of TA6 is to define additional requirements from energy research examples and to apply the provided services to specific use cases which reflect core needs of the scientific energy system research community. Thus, the role of TA6 within NFDI4Energy is threefold: (1) In order to demonstrate the usability of the developed services as the ontologies and middlewares, the use cases from TA6 are implemented based on these developments. (2) Additionally, new requirements from the use cases must flow into the work in TA1 to TA5, with a special focus on TA2, as the integration of society still shows methodological weaknesses in energy system research and therefore will receive a focus here. (3) Additional visibility for the developed services within the community is generated and, thus, is strengthen the user group activities (TA7).
The use cases are examples of the main different types of projects within energy system research with respect to involved disciplines, research data and simulation needs. Therefore, they will lay the ground for the future expansion of the research data collected and provided in energy research. Use case “Energy lab & simulation coupling” (Measure 6.1) provides a setup which, in addition to simulators, also links real laboratories. The services developed from TA4 and TA5 can therefore be used and tested in a complex simulation scenario. Use case “Long term energy system scenarios, society and energy politics” (Measure 6.2) will provide a detailed energy system scenario comparison, building on developments in TA4. By using methods from TA2 the results will be brought to a broader audience reaching from the public to decision makers. Finally, the use case “Distributed simulation for distributed energy systems” (Measure 6.3) addresses self-organisation with autonomous agents based on distributed simulations. This use case also includes methods from TA4 and TA5, applies best practices from TA1 and includes industry data as result from TA3.
A central element of TA6 is to showcase the potential of the FDO registries developed in TA4 and to feed back additional requirements in view of the practical experience made throughout the implementation of the use cases. An iterative feedback cycle between the use cases and the platform development in TA1 will be established for this purpose. Also, the use cases of TA6 deliver best practice exampling, showing how to use the developed services of NFDI4Energy in small research projects. These best practices can be included into the platform developed in TA1.
Summarising, Task Area 6 will in particular contribute to the following objectives:
- [O6.1] Deliver additional requirements for TA1 to TA5
- [O6.2] Apply best practices to address social challenges in future energy system concepts from TA2
- [O6.3] Show how the processes of industry involvement from TA3 can be applied to research examples
- [O6.4] Use standardised scenario description from TA4 (reflecting harmonised scenario conceptions from WG Scenario Description Harmonisation) to make energy system scenario results accessible, understandable and comparable to the public and to support decision makers.
- [O6.5] Test the developed methods to couple distributed simulators and real laboratories from TA5
- [O6.6] Deliver best practices examples and guidelines for TA1
TA6 Lead:

Dr. Mirko Schäfer
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Senior Researcher
View Profile: https://www.inatech.uni-freiburg.de/en/chairs/cig/staff-members/dr-mirko-schafer/