The 6th International Workshop on Energy Data and Analytics (EDA) will take place on June 17, 2025, in Rotterdam, Netherlands, as part of the 16th ACM International Conference on Future and Sustainable Energy Systems ACM e-Energy 2025.
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Workshop Description
The design of future energy systems that are efficient, ecologically friendly, robust, and scalable is a core concern of our society, as the effects of our current ways of generating, disseminating, and consuming energy on the environment are alarming. Reducing fossil fuel use and its emissions is crucial, as climate-related damages already exceed a billion USD annually, and much higher costs are anticipated. Meanwhile, renewable energy offers vast potential. For example, one hour of sunshine could power humanity for a year. Leveraging this potential requires innovation and data-driven approaches.
Another very relevant development is the shift toward a data-driven approach to system design, highlighted by terms like “big data” and “data science” and discussions on FAIR data principles (findability, accessibility, interoperability, reusability). Energy systems now generate vast data streams, such as those from smart meters, though not all aspects are well-documented. The questions of how data describing energy systems can be captured and processed, how its availability can be increased, and what can be learned from it are fundamentally important. This last aspect includes predictions of various kinds of supply and demand, predictive maintenance of energy infrastructures, the processing of energy-consumption data in a way that respects the privacy of the individuals involved and business secrets, etc. Scientific venues are needed to tackle these challenges.
With a special focus on FAIR data and the challenges and opportunities of research data and software for 2025, we invite experts from academia and industry to discuss their experiences and best practices in this domain. The workshop serves as a forum for sharing their findings related to the collection, curation, analysis, and management of energy data, considering FAIR principles.
The objectives of the 6th EDA Workshop are as follows:
- At a general level, the workshop aims to draw attention to the fact that data-oriented approaches are often feasible and promising for designing and operating energy systems.
- The workshop will exchange best practices and experiences in reusable research data and software.
- The workshop aims to bridge the gap between energy systems researchers and the state-of-the-art in data-oriented approaches for designing and operating such systems. It intends to provide support to individuals seeking to broaden their methodological horizons.
- The workshop aims to serve as a networking platform focusing on funding opportunities at the national and European levels. These opportunities often require proposals from consortia that are both broad and balanced in their composition.
- The workshop aims to expose researchers to a diverse audience eager to learn about novel data sets, whether publicly available or not, that are particularly relevant to emerging research topics.
Call for Papers
The workshop invites submissions on the following topics – all of them specific to energy data or energy systems and their characteristics:
- new approaches and techniques to analyze energy data and turn it into actionable insights
- data science for energy data
- tools and techniques for management and archival of energy data
- measurement data from field studies and real-world systems
- data from simulations of energy systems
- synthetic data generation techniques
- data visualization
- data integration and data quality issues
- data privacy and anonymization techniques
- modeling and representation of energy‐specific knowledge
- reusability of research data: challenges and success stories
- industrial data and IP-related challenges for data exchange
Submission Guidelines
Two types of contributions are solicited:
- Full papers, up to 8 pages in 9-point ACM double-column format (i.e., excluding references) and unlimited number of pages for appendices and references, single-blind.
- Short papers, up to 4 pages in 9-point ACM double-column format (i.e., excluding references) and unlimited number of pages for appendices and references, single-blind.
The submission must be in PDF format and be formatted according to the official ACM Proceedings format. Papers that do not meet the size and formatting requirements may not be reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available at ACM. The proceedings of the workshop will be published by ACM Digital Library along with the e-Energy conference proceedings.
Submissions are made via HotCRP.
Important Dates
- ACM e-Energy 2025: June 17 - 20, 2025, in Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Workshop: June 17, 2025, on-site
- Paper Registration and Submission: March 28, 2025 (AOE)
- Link to Paper Submission:
- Notification of Acceptance: April 24, 2025 (AOE)
- Final Manuscript Due: May 9, 2025 (AOE)
Workshop Chairs
- Nicole Ludwig (University of Tübingen, Germany)
- Astrid Nieße (OFFIS, Germany)
- Omid Ardakanian (University of Alberta)
- Klemens Böhm (KIT, Germany)
Program Committee
The program committee members will be carefully selected to ensure comprehensive coverage of the topics listed in Section 3 and adequate regional representation, providing an additional channel for workshop promotion. Three PC members will review each paper.
The PC will comprise experts who were involved in the past iterations of this workshop see former lists of this workshop, in addition to new members from the community of FAIR energy data.
- Nicole Ludwig (University of Tübingen, Germany),
- Astrid Nieße (OFFIS, Germany),