About NFDI4Energy

NFDI4Energy is a consortium under the umbrella of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) dedicated to building an Open Ecosystem for FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) Research Artefacts in Interdisciplinary Energy Systems Research.

What is NFDI4Energy all about?

Watch our Spokesperson, Astrid Nieße, explain NFDI4Energy in this Video.

The goal of the community-driven initiative NFDI4Energy is to establish a sustainable, transparent, and reproducible research infrastructure that supports the entire research and transfer cycle. This cycle encompasses everything from identifying relevant competencies and defining research scenarios to integrating models, publishing results, and identifying new research questions.

The key focus areas of NFDI4Energy are centered on the creation of a shared research services for FAIR data, software, and processes. By providing best practices, competence centers, registries, and simulation tools, we are building services that enable the practical application of research findings and contributes to shaping the future of interdisciplinary energy system research.

These services aim not only to encourage its use within the scientific community but also to enhance the traceability, reproducibility, and transparency of research outcomes for both the scientific community and society at large. Additionally, NFDI4Energy seeks to foster collaboration between research institutions and industry partners while also facilitating greater societal engagement in research. The work programme of NFDI4Energy includes seven Task Areas (TAs).

The full work programme can be found within the published project proposal on zenodo.