2nd NFDI4Energy Conference 2025

Conference 2025

Bringing the community of energy research data management together


Stakeholders interested in and working on research data management solutions for the energy domain are invited to join the 2nd NFDI4Energy Conference.

The conference goals are bringing the community together, discussing current and future research trends, and identifying opportunities for cooperation. Further, we aim for convergence of the different activities in the community to a common understanding, a shared vision, and an overall goal regarding research data management.

The conference will take place fully on-site in Karlsruhe on March 25th to 27th in 2025, organized by NFDI4Energy in cooperation with KIT. Find more information on the venue and on the organizers.

English will be the primary language of the conference. The conference is free of charge for all participants.

For questions, please get in touch with us at conference@nfdi4energy.org.


You can find more information on the presentations (incl. detailed schedule), the poster session and the market of consortia below the general schedule.

Tuesday, 25.03.2025

08:30 - 09:00 Registration (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), Foyer)
09:00 - 12:00 Parallel Workshops:
Workshop 1: SOMMER (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), 0.014)
Workshop 2: Refining Metadata for Energy Simulation Software (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), 0.016)
Workshop 3: Open Energy Ontology (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), -1.025)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), Foyer)
13:00 - 13:45 Start of the Conference: (Architekturgebäude (Building 20.40), Egon Eiermann Hörsaal)
Welcome regards by Prof. Dr. Astrid Nieße, Spokesperson of NFDI4Energy and by Prof. Dr. Veit Hagenmeyer, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), General Chair of the Conference
13:45 - 14:45 Parallel Tracks
A1 (Architekturgebäude (Building 20.40), Egon Eiermann Hörsaal)
B1 (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), 0.014)
14:45 - 15:15 Coffee Break (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), Foyer)
15:15 - 16:45 Market of Consortia (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), Foyer)
16:45 - 17:45 Keynote (Architekturgebäude (Building 20.40), Egon Eiermann Hörsaal)
19:00 Conference Dinner (Gartensaal Schloss Karlsruhe)

Wednesday, 26.03.2025

08:30 - 09:00 Check-in (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), Foyer)
09:00 - 10:00 Parallel Tracks
A2 (Architekturgebäude (Building 20.40), Egon Eiermann Hörsaal)
B2 (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), 0.014)
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), Foyer)
10:30 - 12:00 Poster Session (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), Foyer)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), Foyer)
13:00 - 14:30 Parallel Tracks
A3 (Architekturgebäude (Building 20.40), Egon Eiermann Hörsaal)
B3 (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), 0.014)
14:30 - 15:00 Final Remarks (Architekturgebäude (Building 20.40), Egon Eiermann Hörsaal)
15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), Foyer)
15:15 - 18:00 Internal General Assembly (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), 0.014)
19:00 Internal Dinner (Hoepfner Burghof)

Thursday, 27.03.2025

08:30 - 09:00 Check-in (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), Foyer)
09:00 - 10:45 KgS Meeting (incls. SC) (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), 1.067)
PhD Workshop (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), -1.025)
10:45 - 11:00 Coffee Break (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), Foyer)
11:00 - 12:00 Steering Committee (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), 1.067)
PhD Workshop (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), -1.025)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break and End of the Conference (Mathematikgebäude (Building 20.30), Foyer)

Presentation Tracks

The presentation tracks will be organized according to the following topics. The A and B sessions always take place in parallel.

Time Track A (Architekturgebäude (20.40), Egon Eiermann Hörsaal) Track B (Mathematikgebäude (20.30), 0.014)
Tuesday 13:45 - 14:45

A1: Use cases

  • E. Frost, P. Schmurr, M. Schaefer, A. Niess, A. Weidlich: Enhancing Research Data Management through Use Cases in Energy Research
  • S. Weko, A. Chaianong, J. Lilliestam, I. Milioritsas, G. Bersalli: Which Policy Instruments Do Governments Use, and Which Ones Do Researchers Study? A Use Case for the Energy and Climate Policy Ontology
  • B1: Ontologies

  • A. Muhammad, F. Engel, S. Ferenz, O. Werth, A. Niesse: Query Term Recommendation Using Domain-Specific Ontologies and Sentence Transformers
  • J. Schwarz, A. Steinert, L. Fuentes, Z. Pan, P. Schmurr, N. Liu, R. Quossous, S. Lehnhoff, A. Niesse, R. German, C. Seiwerth, A. Monti, A. Weidlich, V. Hagenmeyer: Towards an ontology for co-simulation scenarios of energy systems
  • Wednesday 9:00 - 10:00

    A2: Non-technical Requirements for FAIR

  • F. Hoffart, N. Kerker, O. Werth: An Energy Data Platforms for Whom? Understanding the Needs and Data Sharing Attitudes of the Energy Research Community
  • P. Fritz, C. Seiwerth, C. Weinhardt: Bridging the gap between Industry and Academia - An Overview of Data Sharing Possibilities
  • B2: Data Availability

  • J. Matar, M. Koubaa, M. Duchon: Exploring the Potential of Freely Available Satellite Data for Energy Applications
  • M. Schaefer, A. Weidlich: Where do Germanys electricity imports come from? A tale of energy system data availability and interpretation
  • Wednesday 13:00 - 14:30

    A3: FAIR Infrastructure

  • M. Faraji, M. Duchon: Scalable and Interoperable Data Infrastructure in Energy Domain
  • L. Manzek, L. Niemann, A. Steinert, H. Wagner, O. Werth, F. Penaherrera, S. Lier, M. Breitner, B. Engel, S. Lehnhoff, A. Niesse: Enhancing Software Sustainability: Transferring Open-Science Solutions from ZLE to NFDI4Energy
  • S. Ferenz, O. Werth, A. Niesse: Towards a Metadata Scheme for Energy Research Software
  • B3: Energy System Modeling

  • L. van Schooten,K. Kok, T. Xiang: DOTs, Further evolution of an open-source energy system simulation platform
  • C. Speck, M. Schaefer, N. Kerker, F. Hoffart, S. Weko, A. Chaianong, J. Lilliestam, C. Weinhardt: Participatory Data-Driven Research Pathways: Toward More Accepted and Realistic Energy System Models
  • F. Niklas, C. Burghardt, A. Weidlich, M. Schaefer: Sectoral Demand Modeling in German Long-Term Energy Scenarios
  • Information for the Presenters

    • Each presentation slot will be 30 minutes long, which consists of 20 minutes of presentation time and 10 minutes for questions and discussion.
    • To keep schedule, these times are strictly enforced. Please stay in time.
    • We will provide you a link to drop your presentation (pdf or pptx).
    • We will provide a laptop for presenting.
    • For further quesions, please get in touch with us.

    Poster Session

    Wednesday: 10:30 - 12:00

  • H. Davidson, A. Chaianong, R. Qussous, I. Milioritsas, J. Lilliestam, M. Schaefer: Integration of regulatory constraints from a policy database into the energy system modeling tool atlite
  • U. Frey, F. Nitsch, A. El Ghazi, C. Schimeczek, L. Huelk: Enhancing FAIR Principles in Research Software: Ontology and Metadata Annotations for the Energy System Model AMIRIS
  • C. Seiwerth, J. Soeren, L. Fuentes, R. German, S. Lehnhoff, A. Monti, A. Niesse: Towards a Simulation-as-a-Service Hub for the Energy Domain
  • C. Seiwerth, N. Halikulov, R. German: Extending a Data-Centric Distributed Simulation Framework for the Energy Domain
  • C. Jones, P. Holt: FAIR and Forever: Update on Activities Underway at the UK Energy Data Centre
  • K. Eger: Using Open Data for the Analysis of Public Charging Infrastructure in Germany
  • C. Wolff, S. Wallner: Application and extension of 223P ontology for the district heating domain
  • S. Ferenz, E. Frost, R. Schrage, T. Wolgast, O. Werth, A. Niesse: Towards Guidelines for Engineering of Energy Research Software
  • L. Lu, A. Wein: Unveiling Openness in Energy Research: A Bibliometric Analysis Focusing on Open Access and Data Sharing Practices
  • E. Salvador, A. Ruiz, J. Schmugge, H. Christian, C. Hoyer-Klick: Federated power infrastructure data
  • Information for Poster Session Participants

    • The Posters should be in A0, there are no further layout or design requirements.
    • We do not provide a poster printing service, please print the poster yourself.
    • If you want to send the poster before the conference, you can do so by contacting us.
    • We will have a room to store your posters ready during the conference.
    • We will hold a 1-minute Madness to start the poster session off, in which you can present your topic shortly. The presentation will be verbally, there is no need to prepare slides.
    • For further quesions, please get in touch with us.

    Market of Consortia

    The Market of Consortia will offer the opportunity to discuss with members of other NFDI consortia and similar organizations regarding lessons learned, cooperation, etc.
    The participating consortia and organizations will be:

    Information for Market of Consortia Participants

    • If you want to send material before the start of the conference you can do so by contacting us.
    • We will have a room for you to store some material during the conference.
    • We have some standing desks for the materials, you probably have to share some of them.
    • We will provide a poster wall for one A0 poster.
    • You can bring rollups, but please keep to one rollup per consortia.
    • For further quesions, please get in touch with us.