Call for papers: 2nd NFDI4Energy Conference on March 25th and 26th, 2025, in Karlsruhe, Germany
Bringing the community of energy research data management together
Stakeholders interested in and working on research data management solutions for the energy domain are invited to join the 2nd NFDI4Energy Conference.
The conference goals are bringing the community together, discussing current and future research trends, and identifying opportunities for cooperation. Further, we aim for convergence of the different activities in the community to a common understanding, a shared vision, and an overall goal regarding research data management.
Research data management in the energy domain is a broad topic, including handling different research artefacts like research data and research software internally, annotating research artefacts with metadata (e.g., with ontologies), and publishing these. Different tools and services are needed to support researchers in handling their research artefacts. The 2nd NFDI4Energy Conference offers a platform to discuss and exchange on different tools, services, approaches, best practices, and ideas for research data management in the energy domain. The conference will take place fully on-site in Karlsruhe on March 25th and 26th in 2025, organized by NFDI4Energy in cooperation with KIT. English will be the primary language of the conference. The conference is free of charge for all participants.
Feel invited if working in the field or interested in current work in this area!
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- General aspects of Open Science in energy research
- FAIR data management in energy research
- Requirements for the adoption of FAIR data or the use of research data management in the energy domain
- Management and FAIR development of (open-source) energy research software
- Publishing of energy research data and software
- Best practices for handling and developing energy research data and software
- Transparency approaches to energy research
- Metadata schemes in energy research
- Ontologies for the energy (research) domain
As at the first NFDI4Energy conference, the focus of the conference will be on poster and presentation abstracts. Since this is a new and developing field, first results are welcome but optional for submission.
Submission Guidelines for poster and presentation
- Abstracts should be at most 1000 words (excluding references)
- Authors need to use the Word or Latex template provided by TIB Open Publishing. Please note that the template is intended for full paper submissions normally. Feel free to adapt the template to suit an abstract submission, if required.
- The submission must be in PDF format.
- Submissions should be uploaded to [submission page will follow soon].
- The review process will be single-blind.
General Chair: Astrid Nieße
Important dates:
- Submission deadline: 17.12.2024
- Author notifications: 06.02.2025
- Conference: 25.03.24 – 26.03.2025
Conference abstracts will be made available as Open Access publications, if authors are interested in this option. It will also be possible to revise the abstracts after acceptance / before publication.
More information and recent updates can be found on the conference website
For questions, please get in touch with us at
More details regarding the conference agenda and registration process will soon be provided here.