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National Research

Data Infrastrucuture

for Interdisciplinary

Energy Systems Research

NFDI4Energy News 1/2023

Welcome to the first issue of the NFDI4Energy Newsletter! We plan to inform you four times a year on relevant topics around NFDI4Energy.

In our first issue, we will give an overview on multiple relevant events, like the 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure and our 1st NFDI4Energy Conference. Happy reading!

Save the date for the 1st NFDI4Energy Conference on 20 to 21 February 2024

Stakeholders interested in and working on research data management solution for the energy domain are invited to join the 1st NFDI4Energy conference.


Research data management in the energy domain is a broad topic including handling research artifacts like research data and research software internally, annotating them with metadata (e.g. with terms from ontologies), and publishing them. Different tools and infrastructure are needed to support researchers handling their research artifacts. The NFDI4Energy Conference offers a platform to discuss and exchange on different tools and approaches, best practices, and ideas for research data management in the energy domain. The conference will take place in Hannover organized by NFDI4Energy in cooperation with TIB. English will be the primary language for the conference.


Call for Papers for the 1st NFDI4Energy Conference

Submit abstracts for the 1st NFDI4Energy Conference until 17.11.2023


We invite stakeholders and enthusiasts in energy research data management to present and discuss their current research at the 1st NFDI4Energy Conference on February 20th and 21st in 2024. Topics include Open Science, management of research data and research software, requirements for the adoption of FAIR, and more in Energy Research. Submit concise abstracts, including first results, for this year's conference. Full research papers are encouraged for 2025. English is the primary language, and participation is free. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the energy research data revolution!


NFDI4Energy joined the 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI)

CoRDI brought together researchers on data infrastructure including all NFDI consortia!


As NFDI4Energy, we were happy to join the successful 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI), which took place in Karlsruhe from September 12 to 14, 2023.  

At CoRDI all NFDI consortia as well as additional experts on research data infrastructure came together. CoRDI provided a remarkable platform for us to showcase our commitment to revolutionizing energy system research through open and FAIR data practices. We had the privilege of contributing to this dynamic event with four presentations, a poster, and a presence at the market of consortia.


NFDI4Energy at the 12th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics

We discuss requirements for energy research data management with all interested experts!


Exciting news for energy research data enthusiasts! The upcoming 12th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics, taking place from October 4th to 6th, 2023, in Vienna, Austria, will feature a NFDI4Energy Workshop. 

As the world races towards climate neutrality, the energy research landscape is evolving rapidly. The workshop will give an overview how NFDI4Energy wants to improve energy research by offering innovative solutions for handling digital research objects such as data and software.

Attendees will have a unique opportunity to engage with NFDI4Energy, share insights, provide requirements, and shape the future of energy research data management. Whether you're a scientist, a practitioner, or simply passionate about data for energy research, this workshop is your chance to be part of a transformative dialogue.

Join us at the 12th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics to explore solutions to improve the handling of research data and software and pave the way for sustainable energy research!
